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Day 14....Saturday May 23, 2015

After having another amazing breakfast with Ron & Jean it was time to continue our adventure.  We said our goodbyes and headed to I-10 then south 65 miles to Marana, AZ near Tucson, to pay a visit to Linda’s sister Toni and her oldest daughter, Sherri.   I think the last time we saw Tony was in 2007 when we took our last USA cruise so their would be some catching up for sure.  While Linda caught up with Toni & Sherri I busied myself taking pictures of the hummingbirds they were attracting on their deck.  It seemed like about 20 of the little hummers were flitting around the feeder and the Christmas lights.  In fact when they are sitting on the light wire they almost look like a light bulb!  We visited till almost dark and had a great time sharing with Toni & Sherri.  We said our goodbyes and headed 23 miles south on I-10 to Tucson and the waiting Country Inn & Suites.  We like to stay at Country Inn & Suites whenever we can because they are so inviting and homey while still very casual…..and…..did I mention that they have cooookies! 

87 Miles

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